Technology Talent In Marketing Teams

Let’s talk about technology talent.

It’s hard to think of a skill set that has needed to evolve more over the last few decades, not to mention the last year or two!

Last week I posted my thoughts on “How to Structure a Marketing Team: Top 4 Considerations”. You can read my post here.  This is a topic that I continue to be asked often about. I addressed the interplay between technology, content, marketing strategy and strategic partners/vendors. We are at such an exciting point in time as we invent the way forward. In the spirit of open dialogue, I plan to drill down further into what I think each of these areas needs to contribute to achieve an effective marketing team.

My thoughts on technology are below in the PDF.

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David Postill

A visionary executive fueled by purpose, David Postill has an impressive history of surpassing business goals, and realizing innovation and growth objectives that set industry standards for excellence.

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